How To
Confused about how to use kitingsheep? Check out our how to videos below for the main sections of our website and if not covered below just drop us a mail on the contact page!
Our ‘How To’ videos will guide you though adding content to different areas of kitingsheep. From adding your first tricks to becoming a beach sponsor, our videos will guide you through each step in the process.
You can use the filter buttons below to bring you directly to the video that you need to see.

Add Tricks to your Tricklist
You can add tricks to your tricklist by clicking on ‘Add New Tricks’ on your ‘My Tricklist’ page. The ‘Add New Trick’ table is where you can add tricks, edit the level of previously added tricks, and see the verification status of your added tricks.
You can add new tricks in 2 ways. Firstly by clicking on ‘ + New’ over the table and selecting the trick from the pop-up box,
(See video – Adding Tricks) or
Secondly by clicking on ‘All tricks’ on the view dialog, which displays the full tricklist and highlights the tricks the are not yet added to your tricklist in green. To add a trick from here simply click on the trick and click ‘+ Add Trick’ at the top of the table. This opens a pop-up box with this trick pre-selected, add your trick level and variations achieved then click ‘OK’.
(See video – Adding Tricks from List)
Verify Your Friends Tricks
To verify your friends tricks click on ‘Verify Tricks’ on your ‘My Tricklist’ page. The ‘Verify tricks’ table displays all of your friends tricks with a verification status.
To verify a trick, hover over ‘Verify’ and click the green tick. To Query a trick hover over it and click the red cross. You can change your decision on the status of the trick at any time.
You can use filters for Friend Name, Trick Name and Trick level to find exactly what you are looking for.
When you verify or query a friends trick it will appear in their tricklist and count towards their Verified Points in beach leaderboards.
Create a New Beach
You can add your local beach by clicking on ‘Beaches’ and ‘Create A Beach’.
Fill in the Beach Name, Description, Cover photo, Location and Invite Friends.
You can also add Beach Information for all beach users to see – See Adding Beach Info for more information.
Add Beach Information
To add beach information you have to be a beach administrator. You can become a beach administrator if an existing administrator adds you.
If you are a beach administrator, go to the beach and click on Manage, fill in the default fields and click save changes.
To add more headings, click on ‘Add Field’, Add a Field Title and Field Description, click ‘Display It’ to make sure it is visible to all users and click ‘Create New’. You can re-order the fields on the Fields Management page then click ‘Save Changes’.
You can fill out this field in the ‘Manage’ tab as before.
Sponsor A Beach
To sponsor a beach go to the sponsor tab on the beach and place a bid to win the auction at the end of the month. Winning an auction lets you add your image and link to the beach site avatar for the following month.
When you are the winner of the auction and payment is processed you will be able to access the ‘Manage’ – ‘Photo’ tab. To add your photo upload it to the photo section and place your link in the field below. Click ‘Save Changes’.
Your logo and link will now be on the beach!